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Welcome message

If one asks the Chinese about the sport of Shuttlecock or Featherball Football, you’ll get a story of a whole childhood full of memories, memories of girls and boys, since there is no discrimination of the game as a boys or girl’s game, chasing, kicking and playing with a featherball. Very often, it is considered as traditional popular free-time game. However, Shuttlecock is actually a complete sport, with rules, which are made specifically for this sport only.



Latest news


The I.Karpat-medencei cup was organized in Újszász!!!!


The Shuttlecock conquered Košice too!!!


The results of the 1st competition of Királyhelmec:



1. Máté Réka

1. Binó Péter

2. Liska Anita

2. Feke Gábor

3. Liska Otília

3. Kiss Miklós





STAVIVÁ spol. s.r.o.

Kirlyálhelmec local government

Thanks for giving financial assistance!!!
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